Archive for What’s New

Rube Goldberg Machines and Simple Machines

Borrow this book from the library!

Go to the official Rube Goldberg website, RUBEGOLDBERG.COM

11 Brilliant Rube Goldberg Machines

What is a Rube Goldberg Machine?

What is a Simple Machine?

How does Rube Goldberg incorporate Simple Machines into his Rube Goldberg Machines?

Here are some examples of simple machines in everyday life.

Lesson Plans for teachers here.

Let’s Review Digital Citizenship!

Primary students, K-3 click on Digital Superheroes.

Intermediate students, 4-7 click on Ninja Breakout.

Let’s Celebrate Canada Day!

Canada Day is on Wednesday, July 1st.

Here is the official City of Surrey virtual celebration link.

Read this book with Mrs. Soo by clicking on the cover.

What is your favourite thing about being Canadian or about living in Canada?

One of my favourite things about living in Canada is being able to explore the beautiful, lakes, forests and mountains in Canada’s vast wilderness.

Sidewalk Chalk

Click on the book, CHALK, by Bill Thomson, Published by Two Lions

What would you draw with chalk if you thought it would come to life?

Here are some ideas of patterns and designs that are easy to draw if you need some ideas. Many of these pictures are of Chantrell Creek students’ sidewalk chalk drawings. Try smudging the chalk with your fingers to make the colours more bold.


Look up at the picture of Chantrell Creek that is over the staffroom door. Did you know that the chalk artist Martin Hayes drew that with chalk?

Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt by Kate Messner

Click on the book below to read it with the author Kate Messner,

Illustrated by Christopher Silas Neal and published by Chronicle Books.

After you have enjoyed the book do one or all of the activities below!

  1. Draw a split picture of your garden or park showing what is above the ground and what is happening below the ground.
  2. Print out the file below to write and draw about what you already KNEW and what you learned or what was NEW to you.
  3. Print out the file below to make connections.

And if you like this book, go back to the bookshelf and read, Over and Under the Pond, also by Kate Messner.

Ideas from Adrienne Gear’s Non-Fiction Reading Power

Rocks Rock!!

First, click on these 2 books to read them.

Do you have a special rock?

What type of rock would you like to have? A worry rock? A wishing rock?

Have you noticed any painted rocks with positive messages around your neighbourhood? Would you like to paint a rock too? You can use paint or sharpies to decorate a rock with a message. Look at the examples below.

Don’t forget to email a picture of your special rock to me and I’ll put it up on my website’s LC ART GALLERY!


Spring has Sprung in Your Backyard!

Greetings from Mrs. Soo

Tinkering and Making